Sunday, October 22, 2006


We're done with one week of our honeymoon in Italy and we have one more week to go. So far we've been in Rome, Vatican City, Florence, Pisa, Milan, Lake Maggiore, Lugano (Switzerland). Tomorrow we're off to Venice! I'll have pics up when we get back. More to come when I get back to the states with a more consistent internet connection!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Wedding Rehearsal

Our Wedding Rehearsal was last night and was a complete success. Thanks to everyone that made it that way! Definitely couldn't have been so great without everyone being there.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Time's closing in

I haven't had time to post anything lately because of my up and coming wedding on the 14th of this month. My crazy cousin has posted pics of my fiancee, Diane's bridal shower this past saturday. Thanks Crazy Cousin! It's going to be a busy month! Rehearsal on the 12th, wedding on the 14th, Honeymoon to Italy on the 16th. I love it!